An anarchist says that communist soviets gassed his people, /r/socialism goes all out in a socialist vs socialist war

Even minorities and gays bitch about minorities because it's so ingrained in how people bond in general. I think we define ourselves on who we hate more than who we are, and you see groups bond over common enemies everywhere.

Even SRD establishes it's culture by who it's opposition is and people bond over their mutual hatred everywhere. Coontown bonds by shitting on black people. SRS bonds by shitting on racists. Men vs women, left vs right, black vs. white etc, every group has to have an opposition in order to establish itself; a person can't see themselves in a mirror unless they have a reflection

And I think the smaller and weaker a group is the more it will be used to bond by other groups, so you see black people bond with white people through homophobia or transphobia because they're a smaller minority and they can both agree feminine men make them uncomfortable where white people bond with other white people through black people, black people bond with white people through homophobia, gay people bond through sexism and misogyny or transphobia and it goes on and on like a Russian doll effect.

And very intricate social values work into everything. So it's acceptable to bitch about "gay culture" for making gay people look bad, but when you talk about "black culture" making black people look bad, people react differently even though it's saying the same thing.

But people who also bitch about "gay culture" or "black culture" to bond with majority groups will also bond by bitching about the KKK or the WBC, because they don't see themselves as racist or homophobic and these groups are also weak and small and an easy target to bond over. So on reddit in larger subs you see white people bonding over black people, men bonding over women/feminism, but also other weak groups who are a minority like the KKK, WBC, Muslims or Republicans. Reddit does it with tumblr also. And the smaller and weaker/invisible a group is seen to be, the more consistently other groups will use it to bond and establish itself and its position in society. So there always has to be an enemy and an opposition, but it changes depending on the cultural climate, so now you see neo nazis who are traditionally anti-semetic and homophobic change tactics and use these to curry sympathy against their new biggest perceived threat (Islam)

I could go on about this stuff forever, I've always found sociology like this interesting to think about

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