An appropriate depiction of post Khashoggi’s Murder situation

You’re an even bigger asshole than you initially appeared to be. I never said the government is completely lying to us or that the news is completely lying to us. I said that any person that doesn’t take every snippet of information fed to them nowadays and weigh it carefully is fucking stupid. And that’s you!!...The news and the flow of information nowadays any intelligent person knows cannot be trusted... it must be vetted... You people don’t even process what you read in any appropriate fashion!.... we have years of evidence of what the leftism yields but yet we still have you fucking assholes out there that push it as some sort of a sane form of governing.... How anybody can even give a cursory look at what’s taken place with the fraudulent Russia collusion narrative. And just examine it on the surface and not see that the Democrats are complete fucking scumbags is useless and has no fucking brain... We are winning, you’re losing ...unfortunately because of you left wing assholes the countries losing big as a result. So unfortunately there’s nothing to celebrate...

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