An effortless genocide

Oh boy. So your solution is to what? Shutdown any and all immigration from countries that provide a cheap labor force? Prohibit free market companies from outsourcing work? All in the effort to allow the American worker bargaining power?

I don't advocate undercutting domestic workers. If company A will do a job for five thousand and company B will do it for 2500 that's called fair competition. Yet, when a brown person does it it's called exploitation? Frankly put, your putting forth racist ideals (immigrants undercut domestic workers, it's their fault a wage gap exists not big business) under the guise of altruism (unionizing workers, worker empowerment).

Oh and liberals support unions while conservatives attack them. A lot of your ideas are right in line with "idiotic liberal ideals." And you know exactly how you're trying to take a moral high ground, don't act coy.

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