An example of a DM hating your character

Think it’s part that you’re new and that they are aware of the stereotype of the chaotic neutral edgy rogue and it’s brooding backstory. However as you didn’t seem to endlessly hint of tragedy or just shove the backstory into the throat of the other PCs.

If they had any problems I think they should’ve contacted you out of the table tho. Or you could bring it up to the others out of game,

While I would ask for more information on the character you play. Also had you made a issue with the character collecting plague spreading vermin (I’ll assume it’s medieval fantasy, the Black Plague was a thing in our medieval era)

Other than that you’re the right that they have a group mentality that isn’t looking for addition. The intimidation check to begin with. PvP rolls shouldn’t happen. Did you talk to the other PC after that? I’ll assume it’s quite awkward when the DM controls your hand so closely out of spite.

/r/rpghorrorstories Thread