Here's an image of the 5-mana Kazakus Potion card I created at BlizzCon

the way it works at places like E3 or Blizzcon is you rush to the playable demos immediately after the opening ceremony ends. the only thing you know is what you saw hamilton cho present live on stage.

and they don't tell you anything about the demo before you sit down. you don't know if you get to play an actual game against someone else. i had to play priest and they choose my deck, and it was a lan game against a druid, played by my buddy. my deck was full of brand new cards nobody has ever seen before. the game was over by around turn 10 so i barely got through my deck, which contained no dupes (confirmed because Kazakus worked), so i barely scratched the surface either.

same with sitting at sombra, they don't tell you her Shift, Q etc abilities. You just sit down, choose sombra in the menu, and then try to figure out how it works on the fly.

and even if you wanted to check the internet, it's literally just been announced to the world and there's nothing online anyway about the mechanics of these cards.

Also i'm working at these events and its not about winning or losing. You're just having a blast and the crowd is so amped, it's just great getting to play this shit. there's cosplay and art and sculptures everywhere. nobody is checking their phones at blizzcon and reading the forums, you're at the event live playing as much crap as you possibly can! and there's a lot of huge lines for things, so you are just rushing around.

they yelled at me for taking these pictures by the way. no regrets.

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