An important PSA from our current reigning:

If you are going to be anyone that is highly exposed to the public you better have thick skin. Criticism is not exclusive to drag queens. Every single person in the public eye is a target. Hollywood actors, politicians, circus clowns, beauty queens, and drag queens will be criticized, scrutinize, mocked, poked, prodded, made fun of and you should be prepared. You might be loved by your community but now you have allowed yourself to belong to the world and the world is not kind. I love drag queens, some more than others and as I see it, if you are going to get on camera and talk trash about other queens expect to get it back from the fans. Stop going off crying about how mean fans can be. For one person that doesn’t like you, 100 more love you. If you don’t like the criticism, DON’T read the comments! Something I would tell people that didn’t like me that helped me past times like what queens go through….”Love me or hate me, I’m on your mind.” This phrase gives me a sense of calm when confronted by my adversaries. Now stop believing the critics and have more confidence in yourself. Remember that you are part of the public now and you are a target.

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