An Indian and a UK doctor trying to guess the medical bills in USA and getting appalled by how expensive medial treatment in USA is.

Do you know what the blue text in my comments are? Like are you just ignoring the data I've been posting to back up my claims? Because I've been putting study after study that shows that over 60% of doctors think we should be on a single payer system in the US.

And you're not "Just saying that doctor's make more than poor people" You're saying they deserve to. I didn't label you all kinds of shit for saying that, I labeled you all kinds of shit for doing the same thing you're doing here. Ignoring what people are saying if it doesn't fit your imagined world view. I can't be poor because I disagree, I'm a terrible person because I disagree with you. Everyone's dogpiling you because you dare speak the truth.

One would think you were a Republican with all that self-victimization and ignoring of facts.

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