An Objective Look at Critical Race Theory (Posting for a Friend)

'Are you going to be good faith and correct me? Or is that it?' No, you're too thick to have any grasp of logic so any correction would go over your head.

'the issues with one group does not negate the evidence shown for the issues with another. I won't be engaging with whataboutism.'

How are you this dumb? I didn't say they negate the issues. I said that this alone is not good proof that the gaps are caused by systemic racism. You need to take a holistic approach and gauge who faces the most systemic racism, not just examine that faced by blacks. If one group faces more than others, then that might act to their detriment relative to other groups.

'You have not provided any evidence of anything'. Yes I have, it just went over your head as per usual. In each profession, blacks have lower IQ than whites and have more professional cautions. Do you not understand what this implies? If not you are truly lost.

/r/TheMotte Thread Parent