An old friend from college asked for “help” with a paper

If you're asking about my moral beliefs about digital piracy, As an individual consumer, $3-$5 for a digital 40 minute TV episode is bullshit, so fuck em. My way of rationalizing it I guess is that they're greedy for not charging a fair, convenient price. And if they do actually rely on charging high prices to sustain themselves, then it's their fault too for making a crappy TV series that not enough people want to watch it. And either way, whether or not they are an ethical cooperation, if the price for an infinite resource(idk what else word to use) is high enough for me to go through the trouble and risks of piracy, logically they aren't benefitcial to most of society so I have no moral motive to fund them. So fuck em. This applies to any other infinite resource too. Imo, it's all about what helps the majority of people, the public.

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