An old newspaper talking about the contemporary Bolshevik attempt in attacking the Church immediately (accurately) equated it with the failure of the French Revolutions "Cult of Reason"

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Cult of Reason

The Cult of Reason was France's first established state-sponsored atheistic religion, intended as a replacement for Roman Catholicism during the French Revolution. It also rivaled Robespierre's Cult of the Supreme Being.


League of Militant Atheists

The League of Militant Atheists ; Society of the Godless ; Union of the Godless, was an atheistic and antireligious organization of workers and intelligentsia that developed in Soviet Russia under the influence of the ideological and cultural views and policies of the Soviet Communist Party from 1925 to 1947. It consisted of party members, members of the Komsomol youth movement, those without specific political affiliation, workers and military veterans.


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