As an Ontarian high school student, I can tell you we are 100% closing within a month

There's no one to blame

People on the right are going to not want to do things for other people

Got a group of people willing to argue about something as asinine as wearing a cloth mask and equating it to having the rights stripped but there’s clearly no one we can blame for the politicization. Nope. No one. Certainly not people eschewing reality for Facebook posts. Not the guys eating horse dewormer against the advice of doctors. Couldn’t be the right wing media pounding home a false narrative and lying to their base to get them riled up despite being vaccinated themselves. Really at the end of the day, with an issue this complicated and nuanced, I think we just gotta accept both sides are responsible, in fact that’s the only way to spread the blame fairly.

You act like we could never expect many people on the right to do the bare minimum, regardless of if that’s standing 6ft away, wearing a piece of cloth, or even getting a free vaccine that doubles as protection. No one to blame though… lol

/r/ontario Thread Parent