An OP loves being black, and a woman. Some users do not like this assessment or her post in /r/TwoXChromosomes.

There are entire subreddits devoted to child porn, revenge porn and creep shots.

No there aren't.

What I hear is: "Give us a break, we only allow the exploitation of some children."

Then you're an idiot. They're doing the best job they can. Stop being such an asshole.

If responding to all reports of child porn is something that reddit can't do, shut down. You're being a terrible steward of technology if you can't even enforce your own rules about child porn.

You do realize that by using the internet your also supporting child porn? Or maybe camera companies should stop producing cameras because their used for child porn?

Logic... not your forte.

From the average redditors view, it hasn't improved at all.

Yes it has.

From the batshit crazy, asshole SRSer like yourself it hasn't approved. You are most definitely not "the average redditor".

Adding a couple more people isn't going to stem the flow of child porn and revenge porn. One of your community managers thinks that only two reports from last month of revenge porn means that Reddit is revenge porn free. That's insane.

I've been using reddit for five years I have never seen either revenge porn or child porn. They only way you could have possibly seen it is if you go looking for it....

Why are you actively searching out child porn dworkinator?

I realize you don't want to encourage more people to exploit reddit, unfortunately, you're going to have to get into specifics because this looks bad. Really bad.

It looks bad to you, 99.942% of reddit could care less.

Given the context of reddit's previous and current handling of issues regarding race, it's beyond fucked up.

Reddit has never handled race inappropriately.

Was the OP's shadowban done automatically? Or was it investigated after a report?

For someone who is using reddit free holy fuck you are an entitled little brat. Your hole post just drips of a spoilt little child demanding that they get their way for a free service.

/r/SubredditDrama Thread Parent