An Open Letter to Chaosium

I don't think any of that makes sense, nor does the childish idea about my silly username. I'm not a nihilist. I'm left-wing. Far left, by American standards. Left, by most other countries' standards. A social democrat, basically. Nordic/Scandinavian model.

So, who am I kicking? Capitalism? Is it down? Is it a dead horse?

Saying that capitalism has massive fundamental flaws is saying that voting with your wallet - e.g. choosing the right kind of shampoo - won't anything. We need greater change, and how we shop is irrelevant.

You say 'restore' - when have corporations ever been held responsible? Which period of history was this, this fictional golden age when how we shopped could change the world?

We can refuse to buy NFTs, and that's a good idea. But almost all companies scam people. They just use scams - e.g. advertising - which are so familiar that people accept being lied to on a daily basis.

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