An unmentioned method of implementing the stuff you learn on here: DO let it actually become a part of your personality naturally through constant reminders (morning/night). DONT attempt to consciously adopt traits by forcing/faking them during your day.

For anyone interested, I derived this method from cognitive behavioral therapy techniques.

It takes a simple, straightforward approach to challenging negative thought/behavior patterns and actively replacing them with preferred thought/behavior patterns. Best of all, it can all be self initiated provided you are not delusional about social interactions, your own mental health, and human nature. Keep in mind thats a pretty big "if" as most people have a lot of wierd fucking views about those three topics that cause them to "improve" in an entirely wrong direction, developing traits and habits they "think" will work with girls when in actuality it sets them even further back.

Make sure in your efforts to improve in seduction (especially if you use my method above), that you have an accurate grasp of reality. This is incredibly, incredibly difficult to confirm but the best way is to honestly and genuinely share your life views with multiple communities, receive feedback, and alter your paradigms as necessary.

/r/seduction Thread