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It adds scenes that basically say Lex basically murdered at every pivotal moment to get the ball rolling. It robbed the movie of this organic autonomy in which the conflict between the two heroes is more than just Lex murdering and framing one of the heroes into conflict.

-Lex not only killed people in Africa to frame Superman, he also got someone to lie about it so that he'd get in trouble. This is where Snyder's laziness shines, as he didn't need to do this. I'd rather have had Superman face the repercussions for his own actions (like causing an international incident because he saved people in a country that didn't want him), rather than Lex fabricate them. It would have made Superman's internal struggles feel more real.

-Lex killed the guy in jail, despite that this Batman was supposed to be far gone and a killer already... so why murder someone? He wanted a killer Batman, but didn't commit here? It's lazy

-Lex killed the hearing and some no name Wayne employee to get Batman to finally go nuts over Superman. (this we already knew, but the first two which were revealed to be Lex plots, tie into this problem).

-And when it's all said and done, he forces Superman to go fight Batman by almost killing Lois and threatening to kill Martha.

Lex's plan is so basic, an idiot could do it. He spammed "frame X for murder". The fight between these two heroes was never organic, rather he did the most extreme you could do to get a reaction out of the heroes. This hyped conflict between the two, was manufactured at every turn.

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