Be an unreasonable c***? Fear for your son's life.

Went skydiving once and this mom and dad took their twin sons skydiving for their thirteenth birthday and it just happened to be the day me and a few friends went. The one kid was a sweetheart and genuinely curious about everything, which was a joy to watch, since this was obviously something he'd been waiting a while for, and he already knew so much.

But his twin brother was a little shit-stain. He was yelling, hopping around the plane, pretending to jump out of the door once we were high enough that the instructer opened it. He was making fun of his brother for various things, telling him shit like, "oh, you probably got the broken 'chute. You're gonna die when you hit the ground but it's gonna hurt."

Poor kid was terrified by the time we reached the jump point but he soldiered on, bless him and his face at the bottom was beautiful with new joy.

His parents however, seemed at the end of their rope with their other son and despite their attempts to calm him down he just wouldn't. So the dad takes one of the other instructors aside and they whisper before the dad sits again.

The instructor walks over to the other son and roughly attaches him to himself as they were jumping together and without wanting (but safely, I'm sure) throws them himself and the boy out of the plane.

Once we all reached the ground and met up the kid was snow white and bug-eyed. He kept throwing up, sobbing, heaving, and he even peed himself.

He got a nice talk from the head instructor later about plane safety and etiquette, and generally just not being a twat-weasel. But at least his brother had fun.

So did I.

/r/pettyrevenge Thread