An Updated R/G Tron Primer

from /u/OogaDaBooga :

I appreciate your correction on the casting cost. I do not appreciate you publicly demeaning me or my primer because of one error. I worked hard on that, and misunderstood one ruling on a card. I usually just cast it for the R, and G has almost never come up so I guess I never really thought to look that in depth to that particular card ruling. That doesn't mean that I don't know how to play my deck, and it doesn't mean that my Primer is no good. It means a piece of information was incorrect, which I intend to correct. Next time, please PM me anything you wish to discuss as being correct or incorrect.

my response:

demean: cause a severe loss in the dignity of and respect for

I did not demean you in the least. I know you put in much effort. I believe there to be more than one error. In fact, I pointed out two, and I saw many more. While there is a good amount of information in the primer, not all of it is correct, and I would be remiss if I were not to challenge it. We don't make the deck better by not challenging information we believe to be incorrect. Someone challeneged you on [[Gargoyle Castle]] and [[Crucible of Worlds]], no?

When you call the deck "equal parts a ramp, control and beatdown deck" you mislead. Its important that when you use a weapon, you use it for its intended purpose. Otherwise, the weapon becomes inefficient, if not broken.

For instance, if I told you a gun was for bludgeoning and shooting, you then might think the gun needed spikes welded to it, or weight added to it, even though this might take away from its ability to shoot accurately. But if I correctly say the gun is intended for shooting, then you wouldn't do those things to the weapon.

So in the case of RG Tron, when you describe the deck as a "beatdown", its inaccurate, and might lead someone to add Aggro and/or Midrange elements to it. This would be wrong. We control the board state. We do this until we can cast a finisher. That's what the deck does. It doesn't need any creatures that don't in some way control the board state through a casting trigger or otherwise.

Don't make a post and not expect criticism, especially when the post is as large as yours and professes to be a primer. Criticism isn't demeaning, its meant to enlighten and help in the improvement process.

Personally, I don't want people picking the deck up, reading a primer, and going out and using it. I don't want RG Tron to be a popular Tier 1/1.5 deck. The deck operates best when its a Tier 2 deck that doesn't have everyone boarding in hate for RG Tron. But, if you are going to write a primer, and you are trying to inform people on the best way to play the deck, then I feel obligated to help you and correct you when you are wrong. I just picked the most glaring topics to comment on, I didn't nitpick the dozen other points within that I felt were incorrect.

Don't be so thin-skinned. Take the criticism and improve the primer.

/r/TronMTG Thread