Analysis of the net tax burden of Bernie Sanders's 8 tax plan proposals over the spectrum of incomes [OC]

This might be a dumb question. But what about joint family income that make $250k but also live in a very expensive state. There are working professions such as fire fighting, law enforcement, nursing and other medical jobs where a person at the end of their career worked there way up over 35 years of promotions to make 120-150k. Combined with a spouse, it's not unrealistic for a middle class family in an expensive state to eventually get to the very bottom of the upper class.

Not to mention, the United States has a culture/system where most families spend money on a house, a car, college tuitions and all the cost of utilities. Most American families spend their pay checks as they are already invested and obligated to spend that money. So even people that make it to 250k, they did so over 30 years while building up financial obligations. This is true of other Americans making lower wages as well. Whether you are at 100k or 200k, these families are basically living pay check to pay check but at a much higher quality (bigger house, cars for family). We have a culture that encourages people to spend money and consume.

While I get we can be critical and say people should save money, it's not reality for most American families. And in states that are expensive to live in (which means higher wages), suddenly Bernies plan hitting these income owners doesn't make sense. Especially when they aren't actually taking home 250k profit, and most families again families have that money tied up in bills.

I know most Americans will look at 250k and say boo hoo. But again taking into consideration working family's can reach that bracket over 30 years of work and joint income, on top of being apart of a cultural system that over time continues to spend money and "upgrade" their stuff with increased pay, it's not exactly fair to assume everyone making 250k is a super rich corporation or individual. It's a lot more complex then that. Although maybe it's fair to say for most of the country, this applies. Still, just seems some people will get screwed with sanders system.

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