anarchist 'theory' earrings part 2

For real. I'm on the spectrum, was diagnosed with anxiety and depression 2 years ago, and am currently dealing with more severe health issues. Hasn't stopped me from reading all of Capital or other books in the last few years. There are some weeks where it's difficult to find the energy to read, but reading slowly is better than using personal problems as an excuse to never engage with reading like so many of these idiots.

They act as if having personal problems absolves them of any responsibility. Humanity has had to deal with mental/health problems for its entire existence. If everyone who had problems refused to exert themselves and patted themselves on the back simply for existing, it's hard to believe the species could have reached the point it currently has. Which isn't to say, of course, that when one goes through a crisis, they need to exert themselves, go above and beyond what they were capable of under ordinary circumstances, etc. People deserve a break when they are going through hard times. But these people are clearly coming up with whatever justification possible to not read, a rather straight forward task

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