
Wow. You just said that the immigrants of Ellis Island ruined this country. Unbelievable amount of ignorance you have.

Just because you disagree doesn't make me ignorant.

What ignorance of history?

If you let them work jobs without hunting them down and sending them back to Mexico because they're doing jobs you're too lazy to do, they'd HAPPILY pay taxes. It's been proven time and time again.

What is with your hatred? Where do you get anything about being too lazy? Every sanctuary city runs in the red largely due to being flooded with illegals. Hospital ERs are dysfunctional, schools are like prisons with stabbings.

They won't pay taxes because according to YOUR characterization they will be working low-wage jobs where people are net tax DRAINS.

What part of this aren't you getting. THEY WILL PAY TAXES as just as any other American with a low-paying job would pay taxes.

Proof you have no clue at all - and you call ME ignorant? You don't understand the tax code. Low paying wage earners don't pay taxes - they are a tax drain. Ever hear of the Earned Income Tax credit? That alone wipes out their contribution.

You must have a sheltered life - you don't understand the tax system.

Europe does not have insane immigration laws, yes. They don't allow themselves to be flooded with the wretches of the world looking to score. The US leads the world in suicidal immigration policies.

They're doing better because they are an INCLUSIVE society, and not an EXCLUSIVE one.

You have no idea what you are talking about. The exact opposite is true. Same for Japan, and just about every other country in the world. The more monoracial and mono-cultural the better off they are.

It's absolutely hilarious (and sad) that you recognize Europe is doing well but you completely ignore how they got there.

Yeah, shedding themselves of the lower classes - sending them to the US. LOL! Their history is nearly the opposite of ours. It worked in the US for a short while when there was a mad rush for resources but that is all over now. Now we have evidence of it falling apart like most of our cities going the way of Detroit.

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