
Just because you disagree doesn't make me ignorant.

What I'm saying is that you're ignorant of facts. You don't understand (and it seems wilfully so) the facts of history or the effects of actions. It does make you ignorant.

according to YOUR characterization they will be working low-wage jobs where people are net tax DRAINS.

THEN PAY THEM A LIVABLE WAGE. Or is that too much to ask? To pay people enough money to live so that they don't have to be tax that unreasonable? Yes, of course it is, to'd rather put the burden on the person and then blame them when they ask for help because we allow companies to pay garbage wages.

You don't understand the tax code. Low paying wage earners don't pay taxes - they are a tax drain. Ever hear of the Earned Income Tax credit? That alone wipes out their contribution.

Let's try to break this down through questions. Maybe that'll help you.

1) You've shown a very clear hatred towards people of lower socioeconomic class than yours. It's obvious. Would you prefer that we get rid of all people in this country making less than $15 / hour?

2) Do you want to get rid of ALL people making less than $15 / hour or only ones with brown skin?

3) Let's say somebody moved to this country legally but still doesn't make enough to support themselves. Would you want to ship them back because they're a "tax drain?"

4) Let's say somebody was born in this country but can't make enough to support themselves (due to poor education, etc). Would you be as hateful and spiteful towards them or would you forgive them because their mom happened to get fucked in Boston instead of Mexico City?

The more monoracial and mono-cultural the better off they are.

...aaaaand there it is! The root of your argument. You are against any race or culture that isn't your own. At least you finally had the ability to admit it (even if it was just a slip up). That's not how we operate in America. We don't hate and get rid of people just because they aren't white computer programmers. Your racist viewpoints are appalling.

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