Anarcho-Primitivists, Please Describe Your Beliefs

I am something of an anarcho-primitivist.

I believe most people are driven to anarcho-primitivism for reasons they don't understand. Misanthropia is a huge factor; we see people polluted by desires, and don't wish to be polluted ourselves. The drug addict who uses to placate himself, working jobs he hates. The abusive manager who resents the inability of employees to do their job when they ask questions about it. The desire for ownership, power, wealth is like The Ring; it twists Smeagol into Gollum, kings into violent shades. That cop who shot the thief was protecting private property. Yes, the thief was resisting violently. Men with guns were trying to keep him from making ends meet in the only way he knew how. So he fought them. But people are being driven to steal, fight, kill, hurt each other, hurt themselves; they are alienated by a society that is structured around holding products and services hostage for profit.

We are all born into an exploitative system in which those who do not work for the owners are starved, thrown out of their homes, or worse. As Chomsky put it - it seems many people live in a world that can only be made perfect when everyone else is their slave. They express this with violence, coercion, debt, employment - the whole mechanism of our society is only designed to leverage individual ownership of wealth. Human concerns have arisen incidentally along the way - it's not like hospitals and fire departments and restaurants don't exist, and don't benefit the people. But to some extent or another they all hold their services hostage for money, and that behavior is untenable. Evil, even.

If you are in the working class, you have lived all your life with the sobering reality that you are expected to work for the owners for the entirety of your life. Whatever your rationale and political affiliation, this is a known truth because we face the reality of it every day.

I believe it is the natural desire of the peaceful working class to want to be able to work directly for their own benefit. It is obvious in the capitalist system that we are only ever able to work for our own benefit indirectly, in a way that exploits others. Capitalist society is not for us; it is not for anyone but the owners. How can we resolve this exploitation? If we kill the owners for a stake at their profit we are still just killing for money, and we have been tricked into killing or fighting for the thing we are trying to escape.

The only reasonable solution is for the proletariat to form its own society - a separate trade network in which they meet their own needs directly, using their work. This is why the Soviet Union imposed authoritarian means of preventing trade with the capitalist world; all capitalist trade is exploitative. If it weren't, it wouldn't be profitable. The impulse was not wrong, but the problem was that they were leveraging their power by the exact same means as capitalism - with money, and violent, centralized executive control. Agriculture represents the means by which the proletariat can work for their own physical needs directly. No matter how crazy shit gets with the economy, in theory you can avoid starvation by maintaining a big vegetable garden. But when famine happened in the USSR, the farmers still starved first; hierarchy in action.

Primitivist and agrarian movements have cropped up throughout history - Diggers, Mennonites, the Amish - when pacifists attempt to resolve capitalist exploitation peacefully, with self-determination of their labour and trade. I believe in the alienation of Marxism and in the material dialectic, but I believe socialism must be achieved directly through nonviolent action. This is only made possible by ignoring the bonds of ownership, wealth, and money, and contriving to meet your needs and those of your community directly, without exploiting any other person. Our needs are much simpler than a car, a house, or a computer. Mostly it comes down to food and freedom.

/r/Anarchy101 Thread