Ancaps admit they have no answers

No no, you can. Grab your m-60 and go after whoever you think is guilty of not being a good faith libertarian. You can judge people perfectly, and carry execution immediately, because you are the good one, and they are all bad ones.

Too bad if they are subscribed to a McArmy that will send trained troops to protect them, then call stronger iArmy and fund them enough to go into armed conflict with McArmy.

Too bad if they refuse because they both are in non-aggression agrrement guaranteed by even stronger GooArmy, that has nukes, owns all the land and imposed mandatory protection fees on everyone who lives on their land, including you and the guy who build dildo.

Then your only hope is to call subsidiary of the GooArmy – GooPolice and hope the GooCourt will rule the case in your favour. What a libertarian utopia!

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