Anderson Cooper reacts to Conan making fun of CNN while in Cuba.

Anti-defendant is not conservative

'Anti-defendant' isn't a conservative view in the strictest sense, I was saying 'considered' and 'for better or worse' for a good reason. There generally is a notable bias for those with a conservative lean to focus on punitive justice. Of course you wont see this outwardly described in this manner, typically there will be more couth words and smart use of imagery to describe it. "Hard on crime" "War on Drugs" showing the least flattering photos of criminal suspects, describing defendants as 'evil'. etc.

Its not going to show up on a bullet list of conservative values from a public conservative face of course, but it's there and I don't think its a stretch to say so.

she pushes all sorts of other views that are "considered" liberal. You just picked two to suit your view.

Do I sense (completely unnecessary) hostility? I said in my post that I've only seen bits and pieces of her show and the stuff I saw is what I covered in it and ther were very much conservative perspectives. I had no knowledge of her liberal leanings. Feel free to enlighten me.

Ironic you would claim that while we're constantly being bombarded with moral panic from "progressive" nutjobs telling us games cause violence and sexism and that there's a rape epidemic because innocent men aren't convicted of rape.

Constantly? On Reddit? I see the occasional nutjob (on both left and right political spectrum's) but its certainly not constant. You and I must use different Subreddits. You sound very heated (dare I say nutty) about the individuals you claim are so common here (which is more more ironic, don't you think?). I've discussed political things with extremists of all sorts on Reddit. This includes 'SJW's and generally very hateful people in the most obnoxious senses on Reddit for certain but they've retained about the same moderate frequency for me.

I've made no claim to a specific political affiliation here. You however have made it very clear what you believe by turning defensive towards something that was not meant to be an attack and have turned this conversation into something it was not originally meant to be.

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