Andrew Tate on why Robin Williams committed suicide.

Yeahhh he is right.. I have gone to doctors 'cause of my depression but they all were asking simple stuff that anyone can ask and they told me to buy a FUCKING PILL !! My father took me to pharmacy, as I was getting out of the car, I looked at the pharmacy and my father, I said "Fuck the pills, this is so wrong" I was 16 years old. I am 21 right now, I changed everything. I lost weight, I found my passions. Now I'm fucking going for my goal, only death can stop me. Depression is real, its really shitty, but sad thing about it is that, you gotta destroy the depression. If you are done and decided to die, nothing will stop you. Words are meaningless I know, its all up to you to change it. We all have that power..

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