Andrew Yang is 'Very Open' to Shrooms Legalization | Cedar Falls, Iowa


The law will handle those who use drugs recklessly

Kick it up a notch by allowing States to bring back State/Federal regulated opioid dens tax the businesses

Create a Department of Mental Health and Addiction that partners with non-profits to expand funding to mental health services. Also expand mental health program's.

Think Yang has mentioned this turn profit prisons into rehab facilities for those incarcerated.

Allow certain drugs to be created and distributed within the U.S. Similar to to breweries.

Extradite anyone smuggling drugs into the U.S. back to their Country of origin.

Allow brothels to be legal across the U.S. and decriminalize sex work.

Use funds to provide safe zones to use.

Have clean vending needle machines where old needles go in and new ones come out.

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