Angela Merkel tells sobbing asylum seeker why she cannot stay in Germany

I'm of the opinion that we need to dedicate billions of dollars to make refugee camps actually livable. The world community needs to build cities from scratch in order to accommodate these people. We've given them food and shelter, which is a start, but there is no hope for any quality of life while they don't have access to education, jobs, and the pursuit of further happiness.

If you look at how China builds their cities, they build a city all at once and then wait for people to meet the demand. China produces more buildings than they can fill, and are largely continuing building as a way to strengthen their economy. "Ghost towns" would be a great place to house millions of refugees, though I can see why China would object. Instead, why not construct real cities in Eastern Europe or Western Asia to house people and to introduce them to the social and political demands required of modern citizens.

If you object to immigration in your home country, you have to make the world livable enough so that they won't flee there to begin with. Living in tents without electricity, running water, internet, social institutions or support is no way to live. People fleeing war and unrest - some of which WE ("First World" countries) have caused - deserve a place of safety and security. They deserve a place where they are allowed to participate in a community, in an economy, and in modernity.

If you build it, they will come, as will thousands of volunteers and priests and doctors. All it takes is a relatively small commitment of money - it costs China around $15 billion to build a city for 500,000 people. That's $30,000 per person, which seems expensive, but the cost of fixing the problem will ultimately be cheaper than throwing money at it year after year for the undesirable results of forcing people into tents. And that is for a permanent home for people, who will be able to develop trade and economic skills to become self-sufficient, instead of relying on charity or the hopes of illegal immigration.

We owe ourselves and our neighbors a better life than we are giving them, and this is one of the crucial tasks of humanity in the upcoming decades. We are only going to see more illegal immigration, more social unrest, and more inequality if we do not dedicate ourselves NOW to taking moral action.

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