The anger in TRP is nothing more than a male inability to adapt to change.

Even when they aren't, men do not enjoy these environments because they are limited and boring and emphasise safety over creativity. They have to watch what they say. They have to fit in. There is no space for originality or masculinity. By definition, women wanting to create "safe spaces" is anti-masculine. Men don't do safe. Men test boundaries and constantly challenge each other.

Don't posters on TRP have to watch what they say lest the mods delete their posts or ban them? I wonder how long someone testing boundaries on TRP will last there. Like what if a TRPer developed some BP-ish ideas and started posting about them, would he or she get banned? Would the posts be deleted?

They hate competing against women because they want to just fall in love and head a family. Most men are quite romantic, but women aren't, they're pragmatists. We have a saying in the manosphere "men are romantics pretending to be realists, women are realists pretending to be romantics." Women have a penchant for jerks so many guys feel they have to become one to get laid. They hate all the shit they have to go through in changing their personality to get laid. Eg: become a jerk when all a woman has to do is "exist" and "be herself." The same advice women give to men, ironically. Terrible advice.

If "they want to just fall in love and head a family", why don't the posts on TRP reflect that? If they have a problem with marriage due to the laws, then why aren't they talking about how they can get a life long LTR where they are not legally married? Why is so much energy invested into how to have casual sex, spin plates, but so little (am I wrong?) into getting women to have the marriage-like life without legal marriage? Or alternatively, why isn't more effort put into looking for (or creating) "unicorns" and marrying them?

If anything, TRP recommends destroying "oneitis" (isn't that kind of like love, or is it only oneitis if the affections are not returned?) by sleeping around and in so doing acquiring the "abundance mentality". Also, if TRP's beliefs about how sleeping around hurts (destroys?) women's ability to bond or whatever are correct, then by having casual sex and spinning plates they are contributing to destroying those women's ability to bond. And by sleeping around and intentionally cultivating the "abundance mentality", aren't they also intentionally hurting their own ability to bond? On top of that, they are very negative towards the "beta bucks", but in a traditional family, isn't the male generally the provider? Unless "beta bucks" means more than just providing? If so, how positive is TRP towards being "alpha bucks"? How many TRP guys are pro-being the provider and supporting a stay at home wife (or wife equivalent minus the legal stuff for those who are afraid of "divorce rape")?

If you give me that explanation about how men are just reacting to what women are doing, isn't that just male hamstering to make it possible for men to complain/be angry about how feminists are destroying the traditional family, contribute to destroying the traditional family themselves, and not feel bad about their own contribution to the destruction of the traditional family? Plus, doesn't TRP believe that men are supposed to be leaders? So if what men want is "to just fall in love and head a family", maybe they should go ahead and lead? How about not sleeping around but looking for a woman to fall in love with and start a family with instead? TRP sees female sleeping around as a problem, but a lot of what TRP is about is how to get in on that action. Women can't sleep around if men don't participate. Why not promote not sleeping around instead? Why not promote traditionalism? Why not promote being masculine, desirable "alphas" and then refusing to sleep around but insisting on falling in love and heading a family?

Also, you say "Most men are quite romantic", but does spinning plates, casual sex, and same night lays sound romantic to you?

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