Angry Rant- WTF?! at the Loot Crates in Battlefront 2!

I think it's worth pointing out something that Joe deliberately missed. The gun unlocking. So it takes 600 crafting parts to unlock, but the beta really fucked up here. like REALLY fucked up. Because you can unlock those guns through some kind of progression. I don't know what that progression system is - the 'career' menu didn't show it, and the collection menu didn't show it. But it's there. I unlocked the second set of weapons for all classes, I didn't unlock any attachments/mods, so I don't know if there's progression for that.

There was no indication you could unlock those guns other than using crafting parts - I was pissed when I saw i needed 600 parts and from one crate I got 20. Yet somehow I managed to unlock all those guns just by playing the game and not using a single crafting part (I didn't get more than 120 parts opening maybe 20 crates).

Still, the system is bullshit and I ain't fucking impressed either way. And it's shit like this from publishers that is going to throw good developers to the dogs - I wouldn't be surprised if Monolith will be the first studio to fall with Shadow of War due to shitty publishers forcing in microtransactions.

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