Angry Woman Destroys Beauty Salon With Sledgehammer Because She Allegedly Didn't Like How Her Hair Came Out - The Question becomes when will this behavior become unacceptable?

I'm not sure if she was or wasn't. But I doubt it, or it wasn't harsh if it was.

Why do I say this?

Because of her actions. She is absolutely walking around like she knows there will be little to know repercussions, like how women usually act in arguments etc., they know you better not do anything because they will have the upper-hand.

While Men on the other hand, unless intoxicated, usually act not scared but apprehensive to do anything that may even remotely be interpreted the wrong way. Why? Because we know that we will get a one way ticket to jail.

An example: - You are at a beach walking around, a child comes up and says HI!. You say HI! back. Many women will run to their aid saying DON'T SAY ANYTHING TO MY CHILD! Why? Because your hi was not just a hi but being interpreted as a predator, a sexual predator at that. (many examples of this on /r/pussypass /r/MensRights and /r/TheRedPill )

  • A crazy pyscho woman that you decided to lay with (and we know you don't lay in crazy, but crazy sex is SO good.....) decides to do her thing and she starts swinging on you. MOST men, will quickly try to defuse the situation because we know for a fact the cards are massively stacked against us. She hits you, she causes blood to run, she blackens your eye, etc., and she knows that more than likely if the police are called You are still likely to be arrested and or the cops will urge you not to press charges. Why? Because of the implications that "you" are the one that caused her to act irrational.

I can go on and on, and in my practice (I'm a therapist who works for a well known psychologist), I hear the inner most workings of women, and by what they say, I would not to be any where near their species.

Don't let me scare you, it is not all women, but a great majority who manage their emotions like a 5yr old having a temper tantrum.

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