Animal abusers are the worst kind of people

It does not matter if you can do much more than a dog.

Uh, what world are you living in? Yes it does matter.

Anyways, ''worth'' does not matter.

Are you just trolling or did I trigger you and now your unleashing this dumb ass reply upon me?

Worth is something created by us humans. It's different for everyone.

Oh really? So I guess the doctors and nurses in an emergency room only have value because humans said so?

For example, I'd have the majority of humanity die for my own dog.

Your own dog is a loved one. Your best friend. Therefore your own dog brings more value to your life than a strange human being. But if you have the majority of humanity die for a strange dog then you are very irrational person.

See, you might not agree with that but that's how worth works.

I do agree with that.

And anyone who'd rather save a dog over your life isn't saying you're of low value. Because one is more important than the other it does not mean the other is not important at all.

Doesn't matter. Anyone who is an animal supremacist is the enemy of all human beings on Earth.

Wait a second, did you just forget what sub we're in? Are you really offended because others would prefer an animal over you? Ahem, this is /r/misanthropy by the way.

LOL We all hate humanity for different reasons. Just because my reason for hating humanity is different and I'm not a nihilist doesn't mean I don't belong here.

You're also a hypocrite. You're offended if a human chooses an animal over a human yet you say it should be the other way around.

I see no hypocrisy in my previous words. This is just a baseless accusation from an idiot.

But in the end, because of the way you act, I'd prefer a shitfly instead of you.

And this is why I will laugh if I see someone like you drown in a pool of shit.

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