Animal Rights activists who eat meat, dairy, and eggs: What would it take for you to go vegan?

There are ways around it, such as hunting or fishing sustainably.

Actually, I'm curious as to what most vegans think is worse - wholesale slaughter of thousands or millions of mice/rats/insects/etc. for a harvest of veggies, or the hunting of one single wild deer that will last your family months or even a year?

Again, really not trying to be snarky - just genuinely curious!

Regardless, I guess I'm just tired of seeing people with the right ideas - protecting animal life - participate in things that are directly detrimental to it without at least acknowledging it and doing whatever they can to change it, while all the while being particularly judgmental about another set of hypocrites.

It's fine to be a hypocrite, but you can't be a hypocrite and judge others for being hypocrites. That's, well.. hypocritical!

I'm doing my best to live a sustainable life. I grow my own food, and when I have to buy, I buy seasonal, native, ethical and local. I see where my food comes from. I don't take it for granted that just because it has a 'vegan' label on it that no animals were harmed - animals are harmed in any food production. It's just how nature works. But it irritates me when vegans take the banner but refuse to live by its rules, you know?

I'm participating in this thread to try and get others to consider the effects their buying habits may have, and maybe stop being quite so judgmental to others when they have their own crosses to bear.

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