Anime isnt special nor any different from any other kind of TV Show.

I'm not sure if this is directed at me, but if it is...

I used to be one of those people who would watch anime, just because it was anime. I used to watch any anime I could get my hands on, and manga too.

Anything Anime, I was into it.

That was until one day the illusion broke when I started writing, and realized a lot of shows that I liked i didn't like them for their story, or anything within a logical reason, but because of an irrational and shallow reason.

I realized what I wrote in the OP, that Anime isn't special, or different in anyway to live TV shows, or movies. It's just another means of making a story with a particular set of rules.

I still regularly watch anime, but not because it's anime, but because the series I like or watched has other more important factors and attributes that make it good and interesting.

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