Anime Questions, Recommendations, and Discussion - August 30, 2022

In the original Dragon Ball series (& other anime), there several signs and graphics with English writing. One example being some red ribbon army vehicles saying "Red Ribbon". Another being "Capsule Corporation" written everywhere...

My Question is whether or not these and other text were animated in Japanese and later edited to fit the English audience? I have my doubts specifically because of the infamous "RR" wouldn't be the logo of red ribbon army if they had a Japanese name originally. It would be "レッドリボン軍" or something....

If it is however, the way it was originally created... To my japanese brothers and sisters my question is, is it awkward to see English associated with anime or is it common? Not to offend anyone but the majority of anime characters look white or of English decent..... whatever that may be lol WHY???

Idk lol


/r/anime Thread