
US Feminist here

I think that there are a ton of expectations for both men and women still in our country. I feel like it is more socially acceptable to have women go against the norm but for a lot of men it is hard for them to have those options.

That being said, I do think the majority of time men are their own worst enemy so to speak. For example if a straight man wants to let's say be a stay at home dad, the other men around them will give the man a ton of backlash. "Oh you're a little p*ssy! Why are you letting your wife bring home the money? You're not even a man!" Basically discouraging the man from even the thought of doing traditionally woman's work. And that's just one example! There are so many times when the men in my life are like "I wish I could do X." I'm like "just do it dude" but he says he can't because of what other men will say to them.

I feel like men don't realize all the work that the (US) feminist movement did at the time to actually allow all women the right to choice what they want to do. Whether it's career choice, marriage, kids, makeup, clothing, etc. So when feminist like myself believe in the equality of all genders, they think I believe in men being treated like crap or something. No! I want all genders to have the choice and free will to choose how to live their life without someone else bringing them down.

Anyways I agree with the comic in a way and obviously this is a very US centered opinion but there it is.

(Also this is coming from a place of just considering straight/cis men. I do find that in circles with more inclusion for non straight/cis people, there is astronomically less expectations to be traditional)

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