Animism International

Look, I'm sorry for the length of this reply.

I am objective to everyone's message and the proof is in how I reply. I also read behind what is being said by you right now and others.

You have been somewhat direct by insinuating That I want to organize animism, make it a religion, or have an atheist agenda. I thank you for at least being somewhat direct even though I do not know why you don't just say that is what you believe I am doing. I have never argued what someone's opinion is!

And that was the point of rockergalaxy's post and why I brought attention to him. I didn't know it at the time, but he wasn't honestly looking for conversation. I was. He didn't write what he did as an honest thought about that animist international group, but to write that animism should "not be classified" as a dig to me thinking I have some agenda or want to classify it. I don't care if someone wants to falsely imply something about me, but he cowardly pretends he has some opinion about the topic when it's an agenda to exclude my contributions by what he thinks is my agenda. My evidence was his earlier remarks about me, not about what I write, but about me personally.

I am not a martyr and I am not speaking as one, but why is a person looked at suspiciously when he is being direct with what he is saying? I always say I live in an atheistic and animist and anarchic world or the world is atheist, animist, and anarchic to me. I never once implied or rallied around the idea others should or must see it that way or are smarter to see it like that too! I am honest about what I think and give reasonable arguments for my position and people attack my perceived agenda rather than respond to my opinion or beliefs, which is right there.

In the first post I wrote in r/atheism, almost everybody attacked me and my beliefs rather than the topic! I was so fucking confused!

Look at "yourfairygrandmother's response!!! He was so angry and reactionary!

And then in this later post, I responded to him dismissively yes, but jokingly that I would rather he didn't reply to my posts because and he blows his top like a deranged pervert!

And look how the next person is suggesting I am to blame for his inexcusable reaction.

I did get good responses from both topics I posted but it seems I always gotta swim through shit to get it.

At the end of the day, if people want to exclude me or censor me, because they think I have an agenda, fine. I will just walk away. No one heard a thing I said anyway, but what the wanted to.

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