Ann Coulter reads /r/the_donald!

Thanks for the Baltimore call out. It's good to know folks haven't forgotten about that.

I live in Baltimore, and rode out those riots. Thugs destroyed so many lives and businesses all over our city.

My girlfriend and I had just moved into our first house as a couple a few months prior. We had to leave. Thugs were burning and looting our neighborhood businesses. They were running down the streets with clubs, attacking everyone and everything in their paths.

When we saw fires starting down the street, we packed a go bag, got in the car and left town. Didn't have time to take everything we needed. It was GTFO or die shit.

While we were gone, thugs broke our living room window and looted our home. They made off with over $15,000 worth of our valuables. They stole jewelry from my girlfriend that had been handed down from her great great grandmother. They stole equipment I needed to do my job.

What they didn't take, they trashed. If it wasn't pawnable, they just smashed it. What do they care about someone else's belongings. They smashed every dish in our cabinets. They even pissed on our bed.

We were lucky. A neighborhood convenience store was raided and looted, and the owner shot dead. He was a good, innocent man who I knew personally. It was his family business. The police say he tried to cooperate.

Our neighborhood grocery store was raided and trashed. The manager told me the looters didn't take much. They just wanted to cause as much damage and mayhem as they could. It took him a week to reopen.

The media called them "protesters". The animals that destroyed my home. The animals that murdered an innocent man. Protesters.

/r/The_Donald Thread