Announcing Hero Pools and Updates to Overwatch League Patching

/u/FishNChaps 30 points 7 hours ago

0% chance

/u/coriscaa 11 points 7 hours ago

No. This would piss way too many players off not being able to play the hero they want and it would potentially limit the meta even more.

/u/A_Casual_HOI4_God Liberated Dva Main — Dallas Fuel | San Francisco Shock 4 points 7 hours ago

this is against the philosophy they pretty clearly stated of "letting people play what hero they want to" so 0% chance

/u/Hookset_II 1 point 7 hours ago No one else has predicted this before, in the face of all the evidence Jeff laid out against restricting hero choice

/u/SummerDisaster76 1 point 7 hours ago Devs said multiple times that they want players to play whatever they choose to, they don't encourage 1tricking nor are they trying to stop it, adding Seasonal hero rotations would contradict everything that they have been saying all this time, might as well implement Hero bans rather than doing rotation system for heroes...

/u/RIP_UK FeelsPlatMan — 123 | Diamond (3014) 0 points 6 hours ago PepeLaugh

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