Anon Contributes to Capitalism

What always gets me about socialist subreddits is that they despise the concept of work. Always arguing that they will not need to spend their lives 9-5 working, and will be free to follow their ''interests''. Posting how you don't hate mondays, you hate capitalism. In a communist society you will still need people to sweep the streets, build houses, stock the shelves, transport the goods, heal the sick, man the production lines ect. The amount of labour needed will not suddenly change. Yes, in theory as everyone will be employed you might work less hours, but that is entirely dependent on what type of labour you perform. Splitting a highly skilled job, i.e. an engineer, between two people will be a waste of resources and time training two different people to that level for one job. The less skilled and abled will still be stuck doing the crap jobs they despise under capitalism. If you refuse to work you won't starve, but you'll be given the most shitty living standards possible, as happened in the Soviet Union, which in all honesty isn't that far off and depending on the circumstances worse than capitalism with a welfare state. If you believe communism will somehow absolve you of your responsibility to work and provide to society, you are deluded. These workshy pretenders would be fucking shocked living in the Eastern bloc with the work culture they had.

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