Anon explains why Trump won.

You know we joke about the south being religious and retarded a lot. But they aren't actually that retarded. A lot of them are very hard working individuals and many are also very smart. They just happen to live in a place where religion is valued highly. There are people on this site who equate other people to literal rocks or tree stumps because they believe in a higher power.

Everyone keeps saying Trump is retarded. Trump is an idiot. Trump is going to ruin the country. But I couldn't get 60 million people to vote for me. I could train 20 or 30 years and still not be ready to run for POTUS. You don't get lucky for that shit. You don't get lucky for 16 months straight. Trump has the ability to read a crowd, tell them exactly what they want to hear, and then do whatever the fuck Trump is going to do. It's a real talent. Trump isn't afraid of anyone in the world. If he gets a good team behind him I think he will do ok as POTUS. I think he really can put American interests first. The other countries with cheap labor will just have to other ways to put their people to work.

My point is... a lot of comments I see on this site lack empathy. SJWs, BLMs, "the other side", they put everyone else on a level lower than humans. They strip away our humanity and make everyone else the enemy. If you can't look at the 60 million people who voted Trump and figure out why I think you have serious problems in your head. It's not luck. It's not a bunch of bumbling idiots. It's people who feel the same emotions you do. They were just raised in a different environment and are doing their best to survive and finding ways for their voice and their concerns to be addressed.

If going forward we can't sit down and address each other's concerns in a reasonable manner then all hope is lost for this election cycle.

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