Anon gets a victory Royale

One of my best friends is a complete chad. I’m a 6 to 8/10 (i know that sounds retarded but i’m a skinny tall guy with a decent face and unique but confident personality. not everyone’s type.)

im saying that because this is NonsensicalAutism.

But anyway he’s a total chad but we’re tight knit. He relies on me more than his chad buddies he parties & picks up girls with. Safe to say I get a lot of pressure to work out lol. Worked for a time, then we geographically separated (dont want to describe details for fear of doxxation) and I lost motivation. Although depression in general contributed to the departure. But anyway, we got back in touch and I’m motivated to get jacked.

This has been NonsensicalAutism. I’m starting to identify as Peter Griffin in okbuddyretard memes, but less strictly verbose and more retarded.

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