Anon goes on reddit

I am the Phoenix

I walked down the dimly lit sidewalk along the barely populated bars and restaurants of an area popular to the college age denizens of my generation. Sad and lonely I pondered my existence and while depressed I still had a glimmer of hope knowing that today begins my “no fap” odyssey. I have reached a breaking point in my life in which I will no longer succumb to the dark and twisted fantasies of my cruel, overlord of a brain. I will no longer allow myself to repeat the cycles and tendencies of masturbatory hobbies that consume the hours of each day. And ultimately I will no longer glare at the women that cross my path. I will show them respect and uphold the dignity I was raised to have from a hardworking single mother of 5.

I hope you all shall join me on this venture, and help me form a team of “no fap” crusaders as we make ourselves as pure as children in a Protestant Church.

As dramatic as this may seem, today is the beginning of a new cycle, person, and life.

“What is dead may never die.” “But rises again harder and stronger.”

  • House Greyjoy - -House Abstinence
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