Anon watches Black Panther

What a fucking bandwagon argument. CGI has always been fucking amazing in marvel movies. Dr. Strange was the best visual representation of all psychedelics combined. Iron Man suiting up in all kinds of ridiculous ways always was comical but really nifty and satisfying. Even the rhino wasn't really that bad, people just have no clues what charging rhinos look like, otherwise we'd get much better explanations than "this is shoddy".

It's so tiresome. Everyone thinks it's kids creating those effects in their basements when in reality, VFX artists make some of the biggest sacrifices in the industry. I don't see them walking around and complaining about Cronenberg's stuff being shoddy. Or Neverending Story and any movie with puppets.

Every movie is betraying its age and time, especially fictional ones with hundreds of sophisticated VFX shots. Shitting on them for half a dozen of scenes doesn't at all capture the fact that most of these effects might have been really great, and I defend the entire MCU for being consistent in that regard.

Does that mean I liked BP all that much? No, but the production was just fine with all the bells and whistles.

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