The Anonymous Blacklist Promoted by the Washington Post Has Apparent Ties to Ukrainian Fascism and CIA Spying

It's incredible that the Democrats can lie so blatantly and some of the morons still believe it. They have absolutely ZERO credibility at this point, what's wrong with their supporters? They would rather have a civil war than accept the winner of the election? We all know Russia wasn't involved, most of us have read the wikileaks and seen how worthless the Corporate Media is, and yet they still keep pushing it. All they can do at this point is keep Obama in office through some illegal means and cause a civil war. I mean they've already proven so many conspiracy theories to be facts this year why not a few more like, the Obama dictatorship and FEMA camps and shit. They've got the NDAA and Spy network, they could easily do some stupid shit and try to take over but it would be the end of the US. Honestly the way their acting seems like panicking and the response to the pizzagate stuff is suspicious af too. They're trying to shut out non-approved media sources now... it's not looking good at all for the Democrats and well, the country. I'm not as worried about trump as they say we should be, I think he's been doing fairly well so far actually, there's just so much establishment propaganda coming out it's... idk, creepy I guess.

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