Another Bitcoin Wallet containing $30M Wakes Up after 9 Years

The little Doge I didn't sell I purposefully hid in a file and "lost" it at some level that I figured I could find again, but only if I looked for a long time. Which is exactly what happened. My entire purpose was to ignore crypto until I saw something about Doge in mass media.

So that's what I did. Took some 40 hours to find the file. It was a pain in the ass. But I got it. And then.... I couldn't verify in time and missed the SNL hype peak, lol. So now I have a bag that I dunno... I guess I've been learning about trading so I can swing trade it. I got them at 0.0017, so I suppose I can take a profit at any time in the foreseeable future. Just wish I never sold 190,000 of them for a video game in 2015.

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