Another day

Bro chill. You are deifying the education system. Can your father diagnose and fix an automobile? can he build a bridge? Can he write code for a computer program? Does he know what historical and political events that lead to war and genocide. If his education ends at virology and makes him smarter than everyone else in the room... Then "education" has limited his critical thinking ability.

I do understand social contracts. Read some Lysander Spooner before you spout about "social contracts" and the "law". What right do you or any group have to rope anyone into a contract without their consent? You are advocating aggression and violence with your "social contract". What collective thought compels an individual to conform to the will of a group. Is that what you are advocating? The abolition of the individual?

Please explain how "it" is getting dragged out? What can be done to stop the spread of cov that has not already been done? Will the vaccine and multiple boosters stop someone from spreading it? Are you sure you are not suffering from a form of Psychosis?

I would say comparing covid to aids is like a Trumpster comparing his political hardships to the plight of the Jews during the Holocaust. NOT at all the same thing!

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