Another Gamergate argument, from /r/OutOfTheLoop.

"I'm going to ignore how the story got mass censorship on every major internet site and major gaming forum because that doesn't fit my narrative." Well okay buddy. Okay, so lets both agree that it's trashy tabloid stuff to run sex scandals okay? Lets go ask Brad Wardell why Kotaku ran a sex scandal about him (later proven to be untrue) that got his kids harassed in the playground and continues to haunt him to this day. Could it be that Brad is a man and so it's okay to run his sex scandal and that this sex scandal was about a woman and one of their friends so it wasn't? Lets compare 2 stories from Gawker shall we? Gawker owns Kotaku, one of the websites at is part of the scandal. When Hulk Hogan's sex tape leaked they refused to take it down even when a judge told them to. But when the Fappening happened and other people wouldn't take down a woman's sexual images? Well that's pretty much rape!

The reason GG is anti-feminist isn't because of the MRAs, it's because of the feminist propaganda that the corrupt gaming websites were pushing and the ideology so prominent in the gaming press being radical feminism. You're putting the cart before the horse, GG became anti-feminist because the feminists tried to fuck up their life long hobby. GG has done nothing to support men's rights in any fashion what so ever, but some anti-feminists who are MRAs have joined Gamergate because they see it as a good way to fight radical feminism or because they're also gamers. The same way Christina Hoff Sommers (save the bullshit, I've heard it before) who isn't a gamer is part of Gamergate because she opposes the gender politics the corrupt journalists are pushing. Anita is making the same arguments that Jack Thompson did about gaming (the exact one if you read her writer's Twitter account), that games cause harmful development in people which leads them to be violent or hate women. When Jack Thompson made these arguments, the gaming press lynched him for it, when Anita does, they come out in full support of her feminist theories which has absolutely no scientific evidence to back them. Could it be that when the gaming media pushes a feminist critic who constantly says "Games make you a misogynist" that gamers are going to turn against not only the critic, but the ideology that she represents because they're being insulted constantly by it?

Here is a wiki on Games Journo Pros. The story was broken by Brietbart (again save it, I've heard it all before) and revealed that 150 games journalists were discussing how to cover topics through out the media and push their party line. You will note the bit where one member is a Freelance journalist who wanted to break a story about a man trying to scam people for gender reassignment surgery by pretending it was a campaign to remove shrapnel, they black listed him and told others not to deal with him because they liked this man and had used their websites to support him. So these journalists decided rather than alerting their users that this person is trying to scam them, it would be better to follow the progressive (read: feminist ) message of supporting transgenderism, because it was more important to support that ideology than it was to protect the consumers they're supposed to represent. One of the many many reasons why Gamergate is anti-feminist. But please, do go ahead and claim it's just "MRAs trying to drive women out of the industry".

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