Another Record Traffic Day for R/AltRight! Record New Subscribers Day As Well. Keep Up the Great Work Goys!

I went from a racially aware liberal to a semi redpilled fascist in five years time. As in, I thought liberalism would only work with a huge homogeneous white majority and tried to avoid them if possible. Ive always been on the fence about going in full force with this movement but it seems like it's the only way things will change.

After constantly getting accosted by homeless, drug addicted blacks at my university in the city and having one with hiv pull a knife on me for four dollars, I knew there was no hope for them. The black security did nothing. They were worthless. These drug addicts would harass students, sit next to them while eating, and keep asking for money. They don't understand civilization - only primal instincts.

Having close Italian and German-Argentine family, I always had some hope for Latinos. But, after realizing that Argentina and Chile are the only prosperous Latin American countries I knew there was no hope for others at that point. I blame leftist whites more than anyone else.

I still have to learn more about the JQ, however. Glad to be here.

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