Another Season Pass giveaway? I guess it's my turn!

Is it cheating to do this?

Axton glared at Zero in frustration. “You know, if you're gonna keep curbstomping me like this, you could at least let me get the first move for once.” Zero shrugged. “You lost the coin toss, And thus your choice of pieces.” :) He casually tapped the ivory figures on the board. “Black moves second, pal.” “Until he can't move anymore.” Axton sighed and knocked over his king. “You've got me. I resign.” “Again? How many times is that now, Ax?” Axton looked away from the board and saw Maya walking into the messroom. “Thirty-seven games in three days. Zero here has been kicking my ass up one side and down the other.” Maya took a seat next to Axton and gave him a puzzled look. “Why are you even playing chess? Aren't you usually working out with Salvador right now?” “I was, until I couldn't stand the smell.” He made a face. “He just won't listen, either.” “I've noticed,” Maya said dryly. “I may have to do something about that.” “I'll help,” Axton promised. He glared at Zero. “Just as soon as I beat this guy. Or at least get past the damn fifteenth move.” “I could make it worse.” >:) “Would you prefer defeat in A mere seven moves?” Axton stared. “You're bluffing.” :) “Try me.” Five moves and three minutes later, Axton cursed and flicked over his king. “You dick.” ¯_(ツ)_/¯ “Perhaps a little.” Maya had to restrain a snicker at Axton's face. “Scoot over, Ax. Let me field the next one.” They both glanced at her in surprise. “I was unaware you played,” Zero said. “Brother Sophis insisted I learn. He said it would teach me to think strategically and tactically.” Maya looked at the board, the ghost of pride on her face. “He stopped playing me when I was six.” “He thought you'd learned enough?” Axton guessed. Maya smiled mischievously. “He was pissed he couldn't beat me anymore.” ':] “Let's see if I can.” The battle began. Axton watched it all unfold. He watched the black and white armies clash and retreat, saw the weak sacrificed to protect the strong, the strong outflanked by the clever. In the span of half an hour, he realized how much Zero had been toying with him. Finally, forty-five minutes after their game had begun, Maya shook her head and tipped over her king. “Dammit. You've got me in three moves.” “I nearly didn't,” Zero admitted. “If you had not been deceived By my pawn's gambit...” 'R I P' Her expression lightened. “We'll have to play again.” :) “Yes.” “Thought you were all about the challenge, Z,” Axton grumbled. “Where's the challenge in toying with me?” 'LOL' “The challenge was in Training you to be better Without your knowledge.” His mouth dropped open. “You smug bastard!” He waved at the board. “I'll pay you to play 'im again, Maya. Beat him, and I'll throw in any gun you want.” Maya shrugged, grinned, and looked at Zero. “Rematch?” >:) “Do your very worst, My dear mercenary friend. You won't defeat me.” An hour and a half later, Maya sighed in disgust and turned to Axton. “Well, it looks like your armory is safe.” Axton grimaced. “Damn. I thought for sure you had him three or four times there.” “Just traps that would've led to my defeat.” She glowered at Zero. “I missed the last one.” :) “You may want to know, I've never been pushed so far. Very impressive.” A rough chuckle echoed around the room. “No-Face, playing on the kiddie rides! Let a real butcher show you how to cut!” “Krieg?” Maya looked around. “Where-?” “Wrong direction.” Axton pointed to the ceiling. Krieg's masked face was just visible through the air vent overhead. Maya laughed. “What are you doing in there?” “Pay no attention to the conductor in the spotlight!” Krieg's voice was as close to casual as his gravelly roars ever got. “Go on planting cooked beef!” Axton frowned. “Okay, that one I didn't get.” “He says we're playing wrong,” Maya translated, frowning slightly. “How so, Krieg?” “Odysseus' lure was fine!” Krieg's finger inched out of the grating and pointed at Zero. “It's the deceptive absence that's tied on backwards!” >:/ “Are you kidding me?” Zero demanded. “I am always the victor. My game is flawless.” Maya held back a smirk. “If it's flawless, how come I keep pushing you so hard?” she prodded. “You keep out of this.” Zero sounded more irritated than they'd ever heard him. His faceplate stayed blank, but he seemed to be glaring at the vent. “Are you challenging my skills? Would you test yourself?” “I'd taste your rarity!” The grate dropped to the floor with a clatter, and somehow Krieg wormed his way through a space half his size. “Are you overdone...” he stared intently at Zero, mask against faceplate, “or bloody?” >:| “Bring it on, psycho.” Maya grinned and climbed out of her seat. “Good luck, big guy.” “Hang on.” Axton's face morphed into a conniving smile. “I was gonna reward you to beat Zero. I think you should reward Krieg if he wins.” She considered. “Seems fair.” Maya smiled. “You even manage to annoy Zero, and you've definitely earned a kiss.” Zero instantly tipped over his king.

/r/BorderlandsPreSequel Thread