Anti-evolutionist fat creepy creationist ventriloquist with creepy puppet. Holy shit. This is REAL and not at all satirical.

You misread my main point and intent, as I never said that sharing your belief/vies in general should be an absolute no-no. What I am saying is that sharing your religious faith and your faith having a pre-requisite to literally saving someone elses existence/soul for perpetuity which gives you a mandate to butt into other peoples business causes more harm than good in this world, in my personal observations.

There is bad things happening everywhere by many people but it would be a big lie to say these are occurring globally in equal ratio's and proportions everywhere by all groups throughout all history at certain points. The fact of the matter is, certain ideas formulate more or less poisonous cultures than others.

As for truth being share-worthy, I agree but I think you and I have a fundamental disagree on even the definition of truth here, but we are still happily debating it because at least coming from me, the denial of what I claim is (I am not claiming you are denying me, its just an example) doesn't crush my sense of world view or hurt me and Im happy to continue engaging because I don't put my valuable views into an idea that can be challenged merely by refuting it (i.e.: offending by not respecting someones unprovable claims or claiming the foundation of the world, morality or their family spirits were all a big joke)

Secondly, there is no single truth when it comes to many things, only that which is physically based can really have a singular truth, and even that is convoluted by human and or language deficiencies.

But most important point is that at the end of the day, many religions don't make it their business to actively promote their religion let alone assert that it actually happened. There is no street signs demanding people worship Amaterasu (Shinto), Tengri (Turkic or steppe people), at threat of not acknowledging them to be real will be met with some sort of horrible punishment.

You can still promote people to a cause or a world view that is framed around a concept for the concepts being good without needing to assert the traditional be literally true, in fact countless practicing Jews (and Rabbi's!) openly don't actually believe Moses or Genesis actually happened. It's not a controversy to many short of some rare (and annoying) Orthodox ones.

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